“Birth can be unpredictable and sometimes it doesn’t go the way you plan or expect it to.”
This is a sentiment shared by the team here at Nurture 4 Life.
It is, of course, totally natural to have fears about birth and becoming a parent, especially on expecting your first.
No one gives you a manual on how to be a parent and that can be very daunting.
At Nurture 4 Life we aim to help minimise those fears and build a couple’s confidence by providing them with the tools they need to cope. It can be an overwhelming time for both mum and dad, so it’s important they’re equally involved.
Research studies from around the world have shown that the use of hypnotherapy and relaxation techqniques in child birth lead to shorter labours, less pain relief and reduced medical intervention.
The tools learnt through hypnobirthing can enable you to handle the birth experience calmly and with control.
Though the word hypnotherapy carries mystic connotations for a lot of people, it is actually a very natural approach to teaching the brain how to deal with different anxieties, stresses and pressures with a more positive approach. You can rest assured that there’ll be no wacky stuff going on!
Positive Birth Preparation sessions give you the opportunity to discuss any fears or concerns you may have about the birth and learn skills to help yourself overcome them. You will then benefit from a combination of active birth ideas, deep relaxation and hynotherapy to prepare you for the birth of your baby.
The skills taught are intended to last not just for birth, but for a lifetime, and come in handy at so many of life’s unpredictable moments.
If you would like more information, we’re here to help. Please feel free to get in touch on 01242 227752.